Energy, like the Biblical grain of mustard seed, will move mountains,” so said Hosea Ballou, the famous theological writer.The most severe limiting factors when you are working towards a better life is your level of energy. But, it is easy to reduce the number of times you feel too tired to accomplish your goals. All you need to do is...
Ways to reduce fatigue
Try to schedule playful breaks into your workday – listen to a favourite song, plan a fun weekend or evening, browse through your favourite catalogue, fantasise about your next vacation, play with a puzzle or toy, call your best friend, do something that you enjoy or love to do... The list is endless. The point is, what you do should revitalise you.
Eating a light lunch dominated by protein ensures afternoon vigour and helps boost your energy level. Drink plenty of water – at least eight glasses a day. Fill your diet with plenty of grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. They are a good source of nutrients and energy.
Laugh a lot. A hearty laugh stimulates the release of chemicals in the brain that increase well-being.
Exercise briskly at least three times a week, for twenty minutes each session. Find a healthy pickme-up that provides needed sugar to your system midafternoon when most people’s blood sugar drops.
Make sure you do enough deep breathing during the day to keep sufficient oxygen in your blood. Three or four times during the day, take eight deep breaths and hold each one for a long time. Continue the deep breathing if you notice a difference in your energy level. If you get tired in the late afternoon, take a refreshing nap. It will relax your mind and body.
Try to get the right amount of sleep – you know you’re on track when you can beat the need for an alarm clock to wake you up.